How IT makes sense

novobit has started to use the possibilities of artificial intelligence for projects that help people

Welcome to our AI Lab

Artificial Intelligence is what we make of it. It is as safe or as risky as we allow it to be. It offers precisely the opportunities we recognize within it. It should not be overestimated, nor should it be underestimated. But the same holds true for natural intelligence.

At novobit, we prefer to think twice about how we want to use AI and what we want to invest our time and energy in. If it is something that enriches life in a meaningful and helpful way, then we are the right partner for a forward-thinking collaboration.

Behind our smartglasses are many smart ideas

We have designed our glasses as part of an expandable system. The heart of the system is a platform from which you can choose your individual combination of service functions. From orientation assistance for the visually impaired to entertainment functions. There are basically no limits to the possibilities. Here are some examples:

• Face Recognition
• Police Gesture Recognition
• Traffic Sign Recognition

• Text to Speech
• Sign Language to Speech
• Scene Recognition

• Scene Navigation
• Entertainment
• Tourism

AI & more

novobit is an IT company with a wide range of qualities. More than 180 employees work together at our two locations in international teams. Engineering excellence ‘Made in Germany’ from the Braunschweig metropolitan region for technology and mobility merges here with the hands-on mentality of a highly skilled generation of software developers from Tunis.

We value thinking multicultural across continents because it allows us to preserve something just as important as specific expertise – the ability to see the bigger picture.

Meet our team

We are developers through and through – and have been for many years. Because we don‘t just develop software and artificial intelligence, but also students with forward-looking teaching content, product ideas with the corresponding marketing know-how or companies with innovative visions.

Michael Seraphin

Global Head of Artificial Intelligence

Global Head of Marketing and Sales

Hatem Hamzaoui

Chief Executive Officer

Ramzi Guetari

Artificial Intelligence Program Director

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